individual courses

In addition to group courses, I also offer individual courses and long-term academic training.

For more information, course proposals, and any other questions, please contact me using the form on this page.

Individual courses

  • course content tailored to the student's preferences
  • schedule and duration arranged individually
  • 1 session = 2 hours
  • 1 500 CZK / 1 student

  • 2 500 CZK / 2 students

  • 3 000 CZK / 3 students

  • 4 or more students = 1 000 CZK per student

Long-term academic training

  • includes several guided projects with me and additional independent projects
  • covers the fundamentals of academic training: Copies, Bargue drawings, cast replicas, old master copies, still lifes, Portrait and figure work with live models

  • students begin with pencil drawing, progress to charcoal, and eventually move on to painting

  • students may join group lessons if there is available capacity

  • maximum capacity: 5 students

  • scope and price by arrangement